The 100 Avenue Road Public Inquiry

Posted on 26/10/2021

Camden has issued a lot of information relating to the Essential Living appeal against the Council’s refusal to remove the social housing obligation from their planning permission. The Inquiry will take place over 4 days starting on Tuesday, 9th November at 10 a.m. until 12th November 2021. The event will be held in person at the Crowndale Centre, 218 Eversholt Street, London NW1 1BD but with capacity for people to observe virtually.
Camden has also issued three links related to the inquiry:
– Details are on a dedicated webpage:
– Access to a dedicated Dropbox for all the appeal documents which can also be found on the planning explorer:
– Dedicated email address for people to use to register whether they want to attend (virtually via MS Teams or in person at the Crowndale Centre) and if they want to speak. email:
Camden is encouraging residents to attend and has issued a Formal Notice for those wishing to do so. It is being sent to all those who made written representations and may also be accessed here.