The Belsize Society was established as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, no. 1180842, on the 14th November 2018.
The Objects of the Society are as follows:
1. To promote for the benefit of the public high standards of architecture, conservation, planning, design, and use of buildings and infrastructure in and/or affecting Belsize Ward, its adjacent areas and its historical environs, and to promote the protection, development, and improvement of features of historic or public interest in that area;
2. To encourage and promote for the public benefit high standards in urban planning, infrastructure, and transport including in the identification of traffic solutions, the maintenance and improvement of streets and public places, the protection of the environment, and improvement of air quality in Belsize Ward, its adjacent areas and its historical environs.
3. To foster interest amongst the public in Belsize Ward, its adjacent areas and its historical environs, and to educate the public in the history, including natural history, and architecture, of the area by organising lectures, visits, and other events.
The full 26 page Constitution, which includes information about the duties and responsibilities of trustees, officers and members and the conduct and records of meetings, can be seen here
One of our founding trustees, Barry Tankel, resigned as trustee and member of the committee on the 8th March 2020. The Belsize Society committee was pleased to co-opt and welcome new member Barbara Abraham at its meeting on 14th April 2021 and at the Trustees meeting on 12th May 2021, the trustees voted unanimously for her to become the Belsize Society’s fifth trustee. After the passing of founder trustee and Society treasurer Neil Harris in 2023, new trustee David Thomas was appointed.