Schools Engagement Meeting, 19th July 2019
A BelSoc Committee member attended this meeting on Camden’s proposals to curb school traffic in the roads between Fitzjohn’s Avenue and Finchley Road. The proposals include closing certain roads to incoming traffic at school peak times, fitting cameras, providing a “park and stride” option, encouraging the use of a new phone app geared towards parents sharing car journeys, and working with schools and parents’ groups.
Camden was awarded “Neighbourhoods of the Future” funding from the Mayor of London in March 2018 to improve London’s air quality in the chosen project area. Camden successfully bid for £359,500, which has been match funded, to create a Schools Low Emissions Neighbourhood (SLEN), and will help to fund the measures.
An element of the funding will be used to implement a minimum of three Healthy School Streets across the SLEN. Healthy School Streets aim to restrict traffic on those streets, at the start and end of the school day, except for residents of those streets, essential access and those who drive electric vehicles. All proposals will be subject to consultation and any changes implemented will be subject to robust monitoring,
From BelSoc August Newsletter