Belsize Society Newsletter May 2023

Posted on 16/5/2023

The May BelSoc Newsletter is online as a pdf.

Welcome to the May Newsletter of the Belsize Society.

We held our AGM in March, and this issue describes some of the discussion. We were pleased to host Camden’s Clean Air Strategy lead who spoke about the new action plan.

This Newsletter has two articles with a royal feel, with Averil Nottage writing about the connections between past kings and queens and Belsize. Her research even includes a coronation event. We also report on the planting of trees to commemorate last year’s Platinum Jubilee, with Eton Avenue now enhanced with three trees currently relishing the spring rains. 

The Newsletter reports on events in the coming months organised by the Friends of Belsize Community Library. We hope to we see some of you in June when we co-host with the Friends a talk about Erno Goldfinger’s Willow Road house. The Newsletter also covers an exhibition currently at the Isokon Gallery about the Mall Studios, an artists’ enclave in NW3.

There is a piece in the issue about retrofitting our homes to reduce energy usage. It looks at options especially where properties are located in a conservation area. The piece also asks for members to contact the Society if they are interested in retrofitting.

With the Newsletter, you’ll see the annual request for members to let the Society know about any trades people they would recommend. We would welcome suggestions for the 2023 Tradesmen You Can Trust.

We were saddened to hear about the passing of Neil Harris, the Society’s Treasurer. The Newsletter includes some memories of Neil, who will be much missed.

Enjoy this Newsletter.