Camden Clean Air Action Plan 2022-2026 describes what Camden Council and other partners will do to improve air quality and protect health from air pollution over the next four years. It also provides useful information, guidance and suggestions to help you protect your own health by avoiding air pollution and reducing emissions from your own activities.
The draft Plan has been produced with the help of the Clean Air Partnership, which is made up of Camden residents, schools, community groups and businesses. It lists a range of outcomes for cleaner air and improved health in Camden, and the actions that the Council will take to achieve these over the next four years.
The outcomes for cleaner air and protecting health are categorised under seven key themes:
- Reducing emissions from construction and development
- Reducing emissions from buildings
- Reducing emissions from transport
- Supporting communities and schools
- Indirect emissions (from sources outside Council control)
- Public health and awareness
- Indoor air quality and occupational exposure
Additionally, the Plan describes Camden’s long-term commitments for achieving clean air in Camden, and these are set out in the Camden Clean Air Strategy 2019-2034 which is contained within the Action Plan document.
The Council are asking several questions about your experience of how air quality (air pollution) affects you, as well as asking for your views about whether you think the draft Clean Air Action Plan will help to clean the air you breathe.
You can view and download the draft Camden Clean Air Action Plan 2022-2026 and respond to the consultation at: