Belsize Society Newsletter November 2021

Posted on 20/11/2021

The November BelSoc Newsletter is online here as a pdf.

It has been a pleasure to welcome you to some events over the last months. We have had almost a year and half without this being possible but this Newsletter reports on two lively and successful events.

Averil Nottage provided an excellent tour of both Belsize and local history, with a walk that gathered 50 of us despite the threat of rain. The library hosted a screening of David Percy’s “The Story of Moll King’s Belsize Houses”, an illustrated presentation of his recent book. The event also gave us an opportunity to celebrate 50 years and we reproduce in the Newsletter Averil’s talk about our first half-century.

The Newsletter also draws from our archives, looking at the community events that have been a feature of the past half century of our work and TYCT. The Newsletter also covers the Belsize Community Choir and notes some of the planning matters that are live in the Belsize area (100 Avenue Road, HS2). Some Society matters are also covered.

We look forward to seeing many of you at the Society’s carol singing this year. 

Hope you enjoy this Newsletter.