Donations made by the Society
As members will know, every year BelSoc makes donations to causes that the Committee believes, on your behalf, to be worthy of our financial support. This year’s events, of course, have meant that a huge number of organisations, large and small, have been unable to engage in their usual fundraising activities and so have faced financial difficulty. With this in mind, we have already made substantial donations to the Chalk Farm Food Bank, Marie Curie, and to Camden Giving. This last is a charity that has set up a dedicated Covid-19 fund to help address the challenges the pandemic has thrown up in the borough to charities, social enterprises and community groups (more information can be found at We have asked that our contribution be aimed particularly at supporting the charity’s adult care activities.
There is still ample time this year for BelSoc to make further donations. As ever, we invite members to contribute their own ideas about who might benefit from these.
Gift Aid and the Belsize Society
As a charity, BelSoc will shortly be making its first claim to HMRC in respect of its Gift Aid entitlement. If any member has not yet submitted a Gift Aid declaration form, and wishes to do so, do get in touch at or give Anne Stevens a ring on 020 7794 0874.