1. Piling activity has been completed and piling rig and crane removed from site on 18th January without using Winchester Road. Excavation works for new foundations have started near the farmers’ market.
2. Existing foundations, a one metre thick slab of concrete by the theatre, being broken up with 8 and/or 20 tonne excavators. This would take 4-5 days but be less noisy than the piling. Tower crane to be erected in early February and new piles to be reduced by 400-500mm.
3. Pollution monitor was moved to children’s playground on 19th December. Readings so far, establish a baseline over the Christmas period when there was no working. When asked why only PM10 was being measured, meeting was told this was the only required measure. It was suggested that there should be only one measure of all pollutants, which everyone could understand, but this is a matter for Camden to comment on. Also, that there should be an independent monitor to provide more reassurance, although it was pointed out that the graph lines were far from trigger points, so not currently causing concern. The meeting was informed that Camden has recruited a new air quality enforcement officer who will be dedicated to CMPs. The question of NO2 measurements was raised and it was explained that this is controlled by the standard and use of machinery on site, rather than being measured as such. There was general discussion about relative pollution monitoring and it was pointed out that a screen has been erected to show the monitoring graphs.
4. Vehicle movement charts showed no vehicle movements so it was suggested that this information be omitted as no longer required. However, there was a request to chart vehicle movements within the site and the pit lane.
5. Recorded complaints: slight drip on steps to underground; one unrecorded complaint of raucous noise relating to shaking piling shafts so traffic readings to be replaced with noise readings next time. Request for all old CMPs to be on website with dates annotated.
6. JF Hunt will be working on the basement box until the end of June. Negotiations with the main contractor are continuing before signings the contract.
7. Any other business: The hoarding screen looked good but the anti-climb topping, which needs to be visible, should be painted green. This will be investigated.
Minutes of the meeting on 26th February will be posted as soon as they are available. The next meeting will be on Thursday, 2nd April at 18.00 – 19.30.